A goal of Exotic Earth Plants is to grow all seven single-species of Brugmansia listed as extinct in the wild by the IUCN Red List. We are also working to build a collection of two-species Brugmansia and three-species Brugmansia.
Breeding History Sets or BHS are used to distinguish the parentage of a hybrid brugmansia species. Where cultivars are of a species or a botanically named hybrid, the botanical species or hybrid is transposed as the label for the BHS. For example B.Sanguinea are assigned BHS Sanguinea or B. x Rubella assigned BHS Rubella. In cases where hybrid combinations does not have botanical names such as B.Sauveolens x B.Aurea, or B. Versicolor x B.Insignis , then BHS label has coined these into a pronounceable words, hence BHS Suarea and BHS Verinsi. These labels lie outside both the Botanical and the Cultivated codes and are Informal. They are merely stating the historical breeding set used to create the species otherwise known as the species make-up. This nomenclature is useful if forming a brugmansia collection as we are at Exotic Earth Plants. See below for the Breeding History Sets full list:
Brugmansia Single Species BHSs
Arborea - including all cultivars that are derived only from B.Arborea
Aurea - including all cultivars that are derived only from B.Aurea
Insiginis - including all cultivars that are derived only from B.Insignis
Sanguinea - including all cultivars that are derived only from B.Sanguinea
Suaveolens - including all cultivars that are derived only from B.Suaveolens
Versicolor - including all cultivars that are derived only from B.Versicolor
Vulcanicola - including all cultivars that are derived only from B.Vulcanicola
Brugmansia Two-Species BHSs
Aurinsi - including all hybrid combinations of B.Aurea and B.Insignis
Candida - including all hybrid combinations of B.Versicolor and B.Aurea
Rubella - including all hybrid combinations of B.Arborea and B.Sanguinea
Suarea - including all hybrid combinations of B.Suaveolens and B. Aurea
Suaver - including all hybrid combinations of B.Suaveolens and B.Versicolor
Suavinsi - including all hybrid combinations of B.Suaveolens and B.Insignis
Verinsi - including all hybrid combinations of B.Versicolor and B.Insignis
Vulsa - including all hybrid combinations of B.Vulcanicola and B.Sanguinea
Vularbo - including all hybrid combinations of B.Vulcanicola and B.Arborea
Brugmansia Three Species BHSs
Arbovulsa - including all hybrid combinations of B.Arborea, B. Vulcanicola and B.Sanguinea
Suaverinsi - including all hybrid combinations of B.Suaveolens, B.Versicolor and B,Insignis
Suavinsuarea - including all hybrid combinations of B.Suaveolens, B.Insignis and B.Aurea
Cubensis - including all hybrid combinations of B.Versicolor, B.Suaveolens and B.Aurea
Verisuarea - including all hybrid combinations of B.Versicolor, B.Insignis and B.Aurea
For example:
Brugmansia Goldkrone is ascribed to the Cubensis BHS because ir is a hybrid between B. 'Charles Grimaldi (Cubensis) and B. Goldenes Kornett (B.Aurea) - B. 'Charles Grimaldi' being a hybris of 'Dr Suess' (cubensis) and B.'Frosty Pink' (Suaveolens). B. Goldkrone therefore has only, but all three of, B.Aurea, B.Suaveolens and B.Versicolor in its make up.
