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Also know as Japanese Hardy Banana Plant, M. basjoo is a suckering evergreen perennial to 5m tall, with arching lance-shaped leaves to 3m long and 0.5m wide, and drooping terminal spikes of cream flowers in summer when developed, sometimes followed by inedible green fruits to 6cm long.It is hardy to -2C, but will appreciate being wrapped up in thick fleece through cold winters. This will also encourage fast regrowth for spring in the UK.


Sold in an 1ltr pot, 30cm high

Musa Basjoo (Hardy Japanese Banana)

SKU: EXO1051
Currently Propagating from collection
  • Cultivation

    For banana cultivation under glass grow in loam-based potting compost (JI No.3) in full light with shade from hot sun; repot every other year, in spring. In warmer parts of the country for outdoors grow in a sheltered position in humus-rich well-drained soil in full sun



    Propagate by seed as soon as ripe at 21-24°C (70-75°F); presoak spring sown seed for 24 hours. Separate suckers in early spring, removing older leaves or divide established clumps every five years


    Suggested planting locations and garden types

    Wall-side Borders Patio & Container Plants



    Glasshouse red spider mite, mealybugs and aphids can be troublesome under glass



    Generally trouble free


    Source: RHS

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